New Recipe on Jaybird: Sweet Potato Waffles

Sweet Potato Waffles Recipe

Hey foodie friends! If you’ve enjoyed paleo recipes from Humble Foodie in the past, you’ll love these Sweet Potato Waffles made with easy sweet potato puree and a few simple ingredients. You can get the recipe on, which is where I share new recipes, DIY projects and life experiences.

Old Humble Foodie recipes will stay here for a couple more months, but you should copy and save any you’d like to keep after February 2014. To keep getting new recipes, follow Jaybird Blog and like us to stay up to date:

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Big News

Dear foodies,

Sharing a meal has always been my favorite way to get to know someone. My friends tease me for using the expression “breaking bread”, but I believe there’s something powerful about experiencing the same tastes and the conversation that naturally arises over a meal.

That’s why Humble Foodie has been so special. Kerry and I started this blog in October 2011 as a way to share recipes we love. Since then I’ve been posting recipes and the occasional thoughts or DIY project, and it’s grown into something bigger. Humble Foodie has become a community built on a shared love of food- what a delicious place to be.

But I want to share more. I want to swap recipes and test them out together, but I also want to write about experiences and invite others to join me. I’m looking forward to a big move, some travel, time with family, and exploring places new and old. That’s something I want to write about. And throughout it all, I want to focus on the idea of home–a feeling and a community that you can build in any physical place.

I’m excited to announce that all of this will be taking place on my new blog: Jaybird. If you want to join the new adventure (and keep receiving new recipes!), add the new blog to your feed or subscribe by email. You can also like Jaybird on Facebook and follow on Twitter or Pinterest for even more updates.

And don’t worry–if you’ve pinned or bookmarked recipes on Humble Foodie, they’ll stay right here for the time being. For a preview of the recipes you’ll find at Jaybird, come and see!

Thanks for reading Humble Foodie, and I hope you’ll join me at Jaybird.

Until we mix again!


Posted in Alicia, Home, Life | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Guest Post: Best Teas for Promoting Health

Good morning friends! I typically start my day with a big mug of coffee, but I’ve been known to dabble in non-caffeinated beverages from time to time. Today’s guest post on the best teas for promoting health includes two of my favorites: kombucha and peppermint. As the weather gets warm, a pitcher of unsweetened iced tea is a staple in my fridge. I hope you enjoy these suggestions and maybe learn something new about the health benefits of a beloved beverage! xo Alicia

Tea is a healthy alternative to sugary, caffeinated drinks. You can get your boost of caffeine without the refined or artificial sweeteners and the chemicals and additives. Or, if you’re trying to cut out caffeine, you can choose varieties that are naturally free of caffeine without having to buy chemically altered drinks.

Each tea you choose has unique properties for your health, providing you specific benefits. Here are a few of the best teas to drink for promoting health:

Green Tea

Green tea is well-known for its many health benefits. Loaded with antioxidants and catechins, green tea has been shown to increase metabolism, control blood-sugar levels, improve digestion and enhance cognitive function. It has even been shown to reverse some of the signs of aging by fighting inflammation and improving elasticity.

On top of all that, green tea has been shown to extend your life. One Japanese study showed that those who drank five or more cups of green tea per day had a significantly lower risk of death. In particular, the study found a lowered risk or heart attack and stroke, likely from its influence on lowering cholesterol.

Peppermint Tea

A warm cup of peppermint tea is one of the most fragrant, and you can enjoy it without adding sugar, milk or other condiments that will add sugar, fat or calories. Peppermint tea is well-known for its ability to improve digestion. The properties in the tea help to relax the muscles of the intestinal tract, which can relieve gastrointestinal spasms and abdominal pain. It’s especially helpful for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders.

Peppermint tea may also be able to relieve heartburn by improving overall digestive health.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red raspberry leaf tea is especially beneficial for women — and especially for pregnant women. Red raspberry leaf tea is a rich source of the alkaloid fragrine, which helps to tone the uterus and improve muscle function. This can lead to fewer menstrual cramps. For pregnant women, it is said to be able to make birth easier and to return the uterus to its previous state more quickly after delivery.

Red raspberry leaf is loaded with nutrients, including Vitamins E, C, A and B, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and calcium. It even has iron!


Kombucha is quickly becoming a popular tea amongst health enthusiasts, though it has been around for more than 2,000 years. The sweetened, fermented tea has been linked to a lower risk of cancer, arthritis and other health problems. The tea is high in healthy bacteria, glucaric acid (linked to cancer-fighting benefits), and hyaluronic acid (linked to joint health).

One of the most well-known health benefits of kombucha is improved digestion. The tea is high in healthy bacteria, which improve digestion, fight yeast overgrowth, and improve the immune system.

Except for kombucha, most of these teas are typically enjoyed warm. However, they can all be brewed and then chilled to create a refreshing and healthy drink for the coming warm, summer months. Simply brew and chill the tea just as you would when making sweet tea, and enjoy it with the sweetener of your choice (or none). Chilling the tea will not change the flavor.

What other teas do you drink for promoting your health? Share your favorites in the comments!

About the Author:

Bridget Sandorford is a freelance food and culinary writer, where recently she’s been researching cooking schools in New York. In her spare time, she enjoys biking, painting and working on her first cookbook.

Posted in Drinks, Guest Post, Health | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

New Obsession: Paleo Burrito

Paleo Burrito from Humble Foodie

With summer fast approaching, I’ve shaken out my picnic blanket and started working on new paleo-friendly picnic recipes. There are plenty of vegetables and ingredients that work as a paleo substitute for classic picnic foods; for example, spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles for pasta salad. Sandwiches are trickier. I’ve tried hearty almond flour pancakes that serve as bread, thin egg-based crepes for wraps, and portobello mushrooms instead of a burger bun. These all taste great, but they don’t always travel well.

Collard greens have come to the rescue for a sturdy stuffed wrap or burrito. These big leaves are slightly thicker than lettuce, wrap well, and can hold hot or cold ingredients. I love to use and reuse leftovers, and having a bunch of collard greens in the fridge means I can always repurpose roast chicken or pulled pork into a tasty paleo sandwich. With leftovers in the fridge, wrapping a burrito takes less than five minutes. Stick a toothpick in it and you’ve got lunch to go!

Today I’m sharing my favorite paleo burrito and wrap fillings. I’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments!

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Posted in Alicia, Main Dish, Paleo/Primal, Weeknight Dinner | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

DIY Gratitude Calendar

Gratitude Calendar DIY from Humble Foodie

Of all the wonderful people in my life, I am the most grateful for my family. My parents taught me to be kind, to assert myself, and to appreciate a good chocolate chip cookie. They are empathetic listeners and seasoned advice givers.

My mom especially has taught me about respect and gratitude. One of my favorite pieces of advice is something she would tell me if I gave her attitude for no reason: “Alicia, it’s okay to be mad or to have a bad day…but it isn’t okay to take it out on me.” Writing that reminds me that I could be a pretty bratty teenager…sorry Mama! This phrase comes to mind whenever I’m frazzled and not acting like my best self. It grounds me to remember her wise words, and I strive to put them into practice every day.

Gratitude is another mindset we both try to practice. When I was growing up, every holiday gift required a thank you note to the giver before playtime. I now appreciate thoughtfulness, whether it’s packaged in a box with a bow or comes as a gesture, and try to recognize others for their kindness. My mom is someone who regularly puts her thoughts into words. She delivers compliments, asks questions, apologizes, and asserts herself in a way I can only hope to emulate.

This year, I’ve put a lot of effort into creating thoughtful gifts instead of buying something for the holidays. When I saw this beautiful gratitude calendar on Stratejoy, I knew it would be a perfect gift for her birthday. We both make gratitude lists, and creating a daily practice of gratitude is a simple way to embrace all the good that comes our way. Here are my simple instructions for making your own gratitude calendar, which you can start any day of the year.

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